10k Apart was a competition to build a web app in less than 10 kilobytes. A number of the entries used the Google Maps API.
Street View Funny took time out of their busy schedule of travelling and archiving the world of Street View to sift through the 10K Apart competition for the Google Maps entries.

HeatmapJS is an HTML5 application that allows you to quickly create heat maps with your data. To create a map you just need to enter your data and HeatmapJS will magically create a heat map with Google Maps.
Once you generate a heat map, you can save it and share the link with your friends / readers.
SunCalc Lite

SunCalc Lite is an app that shows sun movement and sunlight phases during a given day at a given location with a nice visualization on Google Maps.
You can see the full (not under 10k) version of this application at SunCalc
Rick-Fare Map

This entry enables you to know how much you should pay for an auto-rickshaw trip.
To work out the potential cost of your fare you need to click on the map to select your starting location and then click on the map again to show your destination. You can also drag the markers around to update routes.
Big Picture Small World

This app uses the Yahoo! Query Language to display images from The Big Picture on a Google Map. The app uses YQL to analyse the image captions for geographical names and then places them on a map.
A list of links below the map allows you to load images from different Big Picture collections.
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